with Dhanu Saveeta (PGDip HRM),






The only command the quantum field of infinite possibilities understands for your next level desires and shift is NOW. Any other command is invalid. Call in a new cycle, now. Call in a new era of you, now.

When you reconnect with YOU, you connect with everything else, including your desires, gifts, and calling … your LIFE and/or BUSINESS (new or established business owners).

Unlocking the psyche handcuffs and breaking out the self-created mental prison so you can trailblaze your mission … this is your breakout to emotional freedom so you can manifest your arse off! You’re free to shift to your next level of wealth and success in life, relationships, money, business, and career.

Reconnect with your voice, truth, and power to practice self-mastery and become a self-led authority.

Gain more vision, direction, decisiveness, and clarity.

Reconnect with your Limitless Woman, your Badass, your Boss, your Great Spirit!

Emotional intelligence, feminine energetics, somatic experiencing, shamanic energy medicine, and compassionate inquiry.

For conscious women wanting to shift beyond stress, for entrepreneurs, for new or established business owners, for those wishing to reach their next level desires and manifestations through the power of the emotions, no matter what you do, no matter where you’re going, no matter what you’ve been through.

We’re emotionally intelligent beings … communicating with your emotions will connect you with your next higher destination, whatever that frequency is.

Your emotions are your confidence, your magnetism, your voice, truth, power, in everything that you do.

This is for any women wanting to shift to their next level through emotional freedom.


Fully bespoke, fiercely compassionate and loving 1:1 coaching and mentorship with Dhanu Saveeta to support you in creating and scaling your femmepire, for the conscious, self-led woman. 

"My 1:1 private mentorship is for you if you’d like the deepest, highest level of support possible whilst stepping into a whole new level of wealth, freedom, creativity, and success and a whole new world, whether this is in business, or in life generally."

Through 4-day week communications and private sessions, I’ll support you with the adjustments and shifts in your energy and business that will allow you to:

Step into your natural pioneer, your limitless woman, your change-maker, trailblazer, creator, leader, Queen, Goddess, and woman you feel deep in your heart you’re meant to be to create the quantum leaps that you deeply desire in a way that is fully aligned with your visionary woman, your soul, and your higher Self. 



  • You're a conscious woman or entrepreneur, ready for your next level!
  • Are you carrying trauma and emotional wounds and you're blocked from discovering your gifts and your calling as a coach or mentor, as well as what you want to offer in your programs?
  • Are you in a high-level position, a PEP, or perhaps even in a confidential position, and emotional wounds are creating glass ceilings for you?
  • Do you feel that you’re sometimes blocked from the power of your voice in speaking your truth, for example, in public speaking, in speaking live on social media, in presentations, during radio and TV interviews etc.?
  • Despite being a badass for most of the time, do you feel there are elements of emotional pain and fear still holding you back from your true potential in life, relationships, money, and business?
  • Do you feel financially capped or energetically stuck in your journey as a female entrepreneur and purpose-driven woman? Or there may be generational poverty or other trauma cycles in your family lineage that need breaking?
  • Have you made some steps in your life and business, but know in your heart you’re capable of so much more or you’re not moving at the trailblazer pace you’d like to?
  • Is your life, and business, your soul purpose, your calling, and your passions and desires? The reason you’re on this planet!? The thing that invokes feelings of excitement, happiness, and love inside of you?
  • Or do you find yourself somewhat blocked from fully connecting with your calling, your purpose, and your natural, heart-led gifts, going through identity crisis?
  • Are you ready to energetically up-level your energetic frequency — allowing for your natural growth, expansion, and evolution in your income, impact, and influence?
  • Are you ready to build something that achieves unrealistic levels abundance, success, and freedom, beyond expectations, for now and later, and that evolves as you do by way of exponential wealth and growth (business or career)?
  • Are you carrying negative imprints of core emotional wounding or trauma bonds? Or perhaps you’ve been through other kinds of heavy and sensitive experiences that you’re afraid to share and you would benefit from ongoing support during a transition and uplevelling? (Examples: divorce, domestic abuse and violence, divorce, any other painful and challenging experiences).
  • Do you need a safe and fiercely compassionate witness to hold space and fly with you, while you expand and raise your consciousness, as a woman, partner, parent, starseed - whatever you identity as - in conscious living, conscious parenting etc!?
  • Are you prone to anxiety and depression, for reasons unknown, and in short, it’s doing your f**king head in?
  • Are you ready to open the gateway to your own true essence, behind the appearance you present to the world, and pave a unique path to your wealth and evolution? 


If some (or all!) of this is you, I know what this is like, and I’ve been through all of the above!


I’ve learned a lot. And it’s my honour to teach you.


My mission is to help women to connect with the power and truth of themselves and change their paradigms in wealth and money so that you can experience and manifest more freedom, choices, opportunities, and success, in life, relationships, money, and wealth.


  • Activation of your exponential power and voice, including through your business marketing copy.
  • Achieve unrealistic levels of self belief, confidence, and courage.
  • Turn up the volume to your self-esteem, self-love and self-care.
  • Raise your prices (or your career salary).
  • Investigate the energetic holes in your energy field that cause us emotional pain, so you can let go of old and stale beliefs and stories that are blocking your success and vision. LET'S SMASH THESE GLASS CEILINGS!
  • Align your business brand, social media presence, and website with your new higher frequency energy (I currently use Kajabi and SquareSpace).
  • Create your internet marketing/social media presence and strategy.
  • Investigate your business strategy, organisational design, structure, reporting lines, learning and development, and team dynamics (for larger businesses).
  • Initiate quantum shifts in your energy, embodiment, and leadership style.
  • Action somatic experiencing in relation to embodiment of your desires, money blocks etc.
  • Trauma coaching and emotional release around repetitive triggers and negative patterns and programs.
  • Money and financial management.
  • Psychotherapy in all areas of life and relationships.
  • Accountability and movement. Let’s get your butt moving!
  • Aromatherapy and crystals advice for your relaxation and uplevelling.
  • Feng shui and space healing advice for further energy shifts.
  • Moving on and recovery from divorce, toxic relationships, domestic abuse, and violence.
  • Compassionate inquiry around trauma and addiction.


Get you to be, do, have, everything you desire to evolve!

You’ll be deeply supported by me, getting exactly what you need, when you need it, to support you in your next quantum upgrade. 


We will start with an in-depth 1:1 (approx. 1 hour long) private session. 

During this session, we will agree what frequency of private sessions is best for you during our time together. 

When you sign up to work with me you receive, during the term of your coaching agreement: 
  • Unlimited sessions between Monday and Thursday.
    Access to all onsite digital content (current and new releases).
  • Unlimited Voxer support between Monday and Thursday.



Your growth is up to you, I can only guide you – I can’t make you do the work. If you do the work (and homework!), you’ll change your energy, to change your life and business, or soul purpose.

I show up to support you and share with you everything I know in helping you transition into your pioneer and trailblazer identity. I can brainstorm with you and empower you. I can help you to see things differently, transitioning from predictabilities, to possibilities and potentialities. I can help you release old and stale stories and limiting beliefs holding you back and keeping you stuck in an old reality. I can teach you my life and business strategies. I can show you how to get clear on what you want and help you embody your next level life and business. I can share with you what has worked for me and what hasn’t — so that you can avoid a whole lot of mistakes and time. I can work with you in ‘fierce and compassionate’ somatic experiencing and emotional release.

I assign different parts of my digital courses to you as homework so you can learn between sessions. This frees up our session times to tweak what you’ve worked on, make a plan for what you will do next, and deep dive into any areas you have gotten stuck, so you can MOVE and keep up MOMENTUM!

Energy loves momentum and movement!

NOTE: I cannot guarantee specific results!


Within the first few months of working with me, my previous and current clients:

  • Release an old and stale identity to make space for your new pioneer and trailblazer identity.
  • Identify and transform mental patterns and programs to a higher vibrational way of being, doing, having, and evolving, to find your inner light.
  • Reconnect with your natural, heart-led gifts.
  • Upgrade current business offers and align branding with a higher vibrational energy.
    Raise your prices or salary.
    Reorganize the times/days/hours you work to create instant freedom.
    Re-design your internet, social media, and email marketing methods (and website if required).
    Create and sell your first digital course.
  • Discover a different way of thinking, with crystal clarity and decisiveness, so you can fly higher than all obstacles in your way, transforming challenges into solutions.
  • See a clearer vision and higher destiny, with your visionary woman.

Know who and why you are, in your power and truth! 

Let’s begin making shifts to your psyche, your energy, and your life!


Is this only for entrepreneurs and coaches? No. My expertise is in feminine energetics, emotional intelligence, leadership, human development, trauma, addiction, child development for adults, counselling, services based online business, digital course creation, and digital sales and marketing. OR, if you desire to create offers you believe in online and sell them to those who need you, then this is for you. I also have clients purely focused on emotional intelligence upgrades with no business, focusing on personal or professional leadership and general health and wellbeing.

How do I schedule private sessions? As a private client, you will have access to a coaching calendar. You can schedule your sessions weekly/bi-weekly as support is needed, in between homework.

What days are private sessions held on? Mondays to Thursday Voxer access, Fridays 1:1 Private Coaching via Zoom (recorded for you to keep). Other arrangements can be flexibly discussed, as needed. 

Can you guarantee specific results? I deeply believe in my ability to increase self-belief, confidence, and courage in your life and business and guide you to rebirth your entire psyche - we're rewiring the Goddess brain! I believe that the spiritual and practical principles I teach can revolutionise your entire spirit and evolution. I believe deeply in the various components of this offer to give you EVERYTHING you need to grow a business to a ridiculous level of success, or thrive in your soul-aligned life generally if you don't have, or want, a business. 






£50K paid in full, or 6 monthly instalments of £10K (=£60K)


£100K paid in full, or 12 monthly instalments of £10K (=£120K)


I’m looking forward to working with you!

Email: [email protected] with enquiries.


Love XO Dhanu Saveeta



I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. Only you can do ‘the work’ with my guidance.

There are no refunds for coaching. If you have questions, be sure to get the answers you need before you sign up.

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